Alcohol for some people, they can take it or leave it... have just a few or go home and stop. Well not the past me! I started drinking heavy from 13 years of age, and younger than that with little sips off older family members. I used drink to block out the noises in my head (which I know now was my imagination, my intuition and my spirt guides/team) I also drank to block out how sensitive I was and how different I felt growing up in my house hold. My parents and family were amazing, but like most children, some thing happens along the way which deeply effects you. So alcohol was great as I could block out my deep inner self and emotions, which I felt that I could not express and even got belittled when the real Lisa came through. Of course I forgive all now, it has shaped and made me who I am, and parents only know best with what they have been taught. I love you mum & dad, I am grateful for you bringing me into this beautiful world.
I would always wonder why some people would become so addicted and like in a trance state, literally hypnotised by alcohol and its effects. If you did not know, Alcohol is ethanol. Its poison, but most importantly spiritually... it lowers your vibration and make a portal which opens up for spirits to come through from other realms. Why do you think they call alcohol spirits!
Ever wondered why you do crazy things you would not normally do, or blackout. Plus the more you drink, the more the spirits come through dictating to you, your life and keeping you in a sad loop, jumping from one low vibrationally friend or lover to the next, not facing yourself and the inner you. Not to mention feeling depressed and lack of energy the next day or few, with having a hangover (should be called a death over, or trying to heal over)The next few days it feels like, your soul/mind has been put it in a washing machine with an extra spin! and of course, sleeping with that guy or girl you said was the last time, time and time again, ha!
Why do some people feel happy on alcohol and others turns them nasty, upset or dysfunctional? Well I think that is to do with your life purpose. If you were meant to come here on Earth with a mission, if you are going off course, or more so, entities know you have a big mission here and they throw you big mistakes and distractions in your way, to keep you off your life's mission.
I have been nearly 4 years sober this October 2024, I can't actually believe it. I am so grateful I made the choice, but I know I could not of done it, if it was not for the help of Kambo frog medicine. This cleansed my addictions and took me back to purity. I also stopped eating meat (which I was a big meat eater) If I did not have the kambo experience, I dread to think where I would still be in life!
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